The University of Freiburg and its institutions provide a scientifically vibrant environment, with a huge offer of seminars, lectures and scientific events!
SGBM Guest Speaker seminars
Next seminar:
Date: Tuesday, 18.02.2025 - 17:00 h
Speaker: Dr. David Bryant - University of Glasgow (UK)
Title: "The cell biology of PTEN-driven invasion in ovarian cancer"
Venue: Weismann-Haus lecture hall, Albertstr. 21a

Seminars organized by other partners
RTG2202 - Transport across and into membranes
CIBSS - Centre for Integrative Biological Signalling Studies
SFB1381 - Dynamic Organization of Cellular Protein Machineries
SFB1425 - Heterocellular Nature of Cardiac Lesions: Identities, Interactions, Implications
MPI-IE - Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics